Pimples! or how to cope with acne within 1 month

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам гигиена, здоровое и правильное питание, косметика и косметология. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


A solution for people suffering from acne, with inflamed and oily skin. Complete cleansing of the body within 1 month if all recommendations are followed. We live in a modern society, someone has already passed this way before us, found a quick solution and is ready to share it with us, we can only apply his knowledge, experience and be content with life further. The course is written in simple and understandable language, without scientific terminology, a direct guide to action is given, a daily routine for 1 month until the skin is completely cleansed! The administration of the LitRes website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist consultation is necessary.

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Hello, my dears!

My personal experience, or rather the approach I found, pushed me to create a course, I have been looking for a way to solve my problem for a long time, to be honest, for about 10 years. I used: ointments, pills, alcohols, darsonval, tan, and even blood transfusion…, doctors prescribed treatment that only temporarily muted the symptoms. In the long search for a solution, life itself began to push me to a solution, namely, to ask the right questions: I began to enthusiastically study the structure of our body, as if my eyes began to open.

The application of accumulated knowledge created a set of approaches that fit perfectly into my life, so my new lifestyle was developed, as a result, my skin was cleansed, the allergy passed as a bonus, the knowledge gained made me advanced in many areas of life, I became successful in business and enjoyed the attention of the opposite sex. As a result, I discovered for myself that any health problems stem from a misunderstanding of the work of our body, hence unreasonable actions with the body, create difficulties for us in its work, so invisible sores accumulate until a serious health failure occurs, which we cannot solve on our own and we have to go to doctors, but they are not always able to help us.

In the process of searching for answers, a clear picture of the processes taking place in my body began to open up, everything interacts very smoothly in it. If a malfunction starts in some organ, then this upsets the work of the connected organs. I was pleased with the main discovery: the body is designed in such a way that it recovers itself only if the source that destroys it is eliminated, that is, it does not need to be treated!

So he gets sick when he is unable to recover from constantly affecting destructive factors. We age not because we should age, but because of the fatigue of the body, due to constantly affecting destructive factors, and if the load from them exceeds the strength and speed of recovery, then the body begins to deplete and diseases manifest, the body withers.

In other words, our diseases manifest themselves when critical fatigue of the body has accumulated due to constant load of negative factors.

What these factors are, how they are formed and affect us will be described in the course.

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