Note: To read before the wedding

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам саморазвитие / личностный рост, семейная психология, воспитание детей. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


This book will be useful to YOU – before and after marriage, as well as in preparing your children for a happy married life.

The book "Note: to read before the Wedding" will help you with the following cases:

– How to choose a spouse and not make mistakes

– How to save a family if you are already married

– You will understand how to predict your future relationship with your husband/wife

– You will learn what tools you can use to create and save a happy family

– You will see what mistakes in relationships that lead to divorce

– You will find the answer what is advanced family relationships in love

– You can better prepare your children for a happy marriage.

The book contains more than 20 interviews with real people from different countries and different ages from 20 to 80 years old, about who and how chose their spouse, and what came of it … Read, analyze, develop and change yourself to create and keep your happy family.

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1. Introduction

Your dream of your own happy family, beautiful wedding ceremony, romance and fabulous love which was born in your earliest youth will soon meet with amazing experiences of the reasons of its success or rather failures. Every teenager tries to form grain by grain the ideal partner in his or her head and this process gives to the person slight euphoria, happiness that is born in the depth of one’s heart. The dream to be happy leads to a natural increase in the level of endorphins in the blood. And this improves mood, well-being, generate light smiles and slight breath-holding even when the person is alone. This wish – to meet your couple is absolutely natural for those who is not even 20 years old and for those who is after 50.

How old are you? Are you still thinking about your own happiness? Do you want to understand this question and to compare the failures of the others with your own expectations? Then this book will be a breath of fresh air, especially if you still didn’t find the one and only. After reading this book you will figure out all the details. The material that is further will help you to find your half successfully.

What can be more important than being a healthy and happy person? Everyone is looking for happiness. The book «To read before the wedding» is a key to the door of happiness, behind which is full and colorful love, wonderful family relationships and a happy childhood for your children and grandchildren in the future.

This is a table book for both young girls and women who want to get a happy marriage from the first time and in any other cases. Rereading this book at every age you can find out your past mistakes, see the roots of the problems and help yourself to build and maintain the marriage you dreamt of. For parents – it is an appeal to create a new layer in the upbringing of their children. This invocation cannot be avoided.

The very first and the most important choice for the young people (who reached adulthood) becomes perhaps the most important choice in the life in order to be happy or happy with the prefix “un”.

How to choose a husband/a wife in order to be happy, to have a friendly and strong family, to be good in the upbringing of the children, to get relationships with the spouse you dreamt of for the many years? What to pay attention to before making this important step in your life – to choose a future spouse?

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