A baker

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Once upon a time in the office


Who is this man?


Does he like his job?


What do you think about paper?

Middle-aged man is sitting in the office and sorting papers. Sorting papers – skill, as he gets in the university. He is so lucky, because a lot of people have not got any special skills. University is very important, and people talk about it every time.

University such as school, but is bigger and more difficult. Mostly people like University more, than school. In school, people study all kinds of science, but in University people study special sciences and professions. Some people study medicine to be a doctor. Some people study pedagogy to be a teacher. Some people study paper to be an office man.

His job isn’t difficult, but, sometimes it’s very boring. He wants to be a doctor or firefighter, but he is an office man. The man has a lot of money, more than a doctor or firefighter.

When the man works, he has a lot of time to think. He thinks about his life, childhood, parents, neighbors, home, food, drinks, job at last. But, he forgets every thought when worktime is over. And he starts thinking about all minds on the next working day.

Now, the man is thinking about papers. Papers may be green, orange, red, blue, brown, white. His job is very important, because he must be sorting papers by colors. After that, special men take papers away. Different special men bring him colorful papers. Different special men called deliverymen. Office men always think they are better than deliverymen, but it isn’t true.

Only men work in this industry. It is traditions. The man doesn’t think about traditions, but, women, for his opinion, can do some job responsibilities better. A lot of men think the same, but master can’t hire women. If master does it, he won’t be a master. 5 years ago, old master hired woman for this job, but she worked better and some men were sad.

Day by day, the man works with colorful papers. He has two days in a week for rest. The man works from nine o’clock am to six o’clock pm. He has time for lunch at twelve o’clock. The man and other men eat tea and f-bread.

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