Suprematistic QR code: The Essence of the Legend

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам изобразительное искусство, история искусства, интернет. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The theme of the book "Suprematistic QR code: The essence of the legend" is relevant for considering modern reality as a natural stage in the chronological development of human civilization. Here the suprematist movement created by K. Malevich is comprehensively considered, which embodiment is the famous "Black Square" (1915) – the pearl of the avant-garde. The book contains facts of the synthesis of science and art, including metaphysical ones, manifested in our everyday life. This approach brings the reader to the idea of the global realization of Suprematism in the present, and shows that the reader himself is an integral part of this process. And the main physical embodiment is QR code – a repeater of the initial basic data of the cultural code in the "black square" form. The book includes reproductions of paintings by K. Malevich and the author, E. Vasilevskaya. The themes of the selected paintings reflect the results of theoretical work and touch on global topical issues.

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As we explore the peculiarities of the discourse that is interesting for us, we find the proofs of our ideas. As we study Malevich’s biography and art, we fall into the world of his suprematist ideas. We find it necessary to highlight that this person has devoted his life to art completely and neither of the false rumors has stopped him from his creations. Time has made everything to be right. However, despite Malevich’s world fame his pieces of art are not fully understood. This book contains complex and objective overview of Malevich’s art movement. The following research leads its reader to the idea of suprematism global realization which happens right now, when new tendencies and technologies appear, and makes him understand that he is an integral part of this process.

The term “Square”

Here comes a thought… There are too many of them. No. They have overwhelmed everything around. They are on subways, streets, magazines, pages of the Internet, packages, business cards. Big or small, colorful but commonly black squares are everywhere, and they form a multi-component homogeneous figure.

A square is a regular quadrilateral which angles and sides are equal. However, the square considered below is only visually similar to the described figure because its sides are not equal to each other, pairwise are not parallel.

As we hear the word “square” we recall in our mind Malevich’s painting associatively. And then the figure that appears in our consciousness becomes black. It seems that drawing a black square on a white background is very simple, and this idea is primitive. However, a painting with a simple geometric figure is recognized as a masterpiece in the world. The “Black Square” (1915) is the work of Kazimir Malevich (February 23, 1878 – May 15, 1935) that is considered as his magnum opus. It is of the high value. The artist has painted many paintings. Why has only the “Black Square” occupy the minds of people?

The painting gives a mystic call to recognize its conceptual, philosophical design and becomes a reason of viewers’ indignant w-questions. It has sparked our interest to make this versatile study. Despite the fact that there are many works on K. Malevich’s art, it remains mysterious. It is still written by a person who has not been fully understood.

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