No Other Choice

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру хронология. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In today's world, more and more people become alcohol and drug addicts. Nevertheless, those people still dare to give birth to kids. Unfortunately, these children have to adapt to live in such families and survive no matter which obstacles are ahead of them.

Wrat Walker is one of those kids. She is twenty-one years old and her whole life she has been living in a toxic household. This book collects the stories of this young girl. She, since a young age, was abused by each member of the family. Her life shows how domestic violence can lead to serious repercussions.

This book is written in the first person. It helps to clearly show the emotions and feelings that felt Wrat Walker. The so-called "memoir" is not basically a real book. Wrat could not get an education, thus the stories don't sound like stories by Hans Christian Andersen. It's not about the beauty of words. It's about domestic violence. It has to get stuck in the heads of all readers.

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This story is dedicated to all victims of violence.


Being a victim is a mix of all kinds of different feelings. You feel yourself miserable, scared, stupid, weak, and disgusting. All emotions are vague and you cannot distinguish even the vividest difference.

No matter what victim you are.

A victim of domestic abuse.

A victim of sexual assault.

A victim of physical dominance.

A victim of bullying.

A victim of child abuse/neglect.

A victim of hate crimes.

A victim of people/sex trafficking.

A victim of terrorism.

And I must forget to mention many other types of victims.

I’m sorry for all of you. Truly sorry. However, let’s not forget that we have one another. We are actually all the same. We need help. We need family around. We need to be loved. I know that most of us don’t have it, so why don’t we all be the most lovely family in the whole universe. We are all capable of giving true love. We all know how the other person may feel. We all know each other at some point. Let’s not wait when our past abusers change, let’s be loved right away.

If you know a person who experiences abuse in his/her life, do not stay aside and help. You know what it is to feel that pain. It’s crucible and unbearable. Those people deserve to be treated well.

I want you to know as well that we believe you. We believe each word of yours. We believe each action of yours. Don’t be afraid to tell us your story because we know that your story is the right one.

Please, I’m begging you, don’t be afraid to ask for help because only you are capable of breaking that vicious circle.


Lessons I learned from my family:

I learned that in order to get love and appreciation you need to cook, clean the house, wash dishes, and not show emotions.

Passing out is the best way to escape.

Learn morse code and how to unlock locks without a key.

Go to the gym to be strong.

Upper body strength is the most important strength.

No one cares about your dignity.

Meditate, it's the least you can do for yourself.

Don’t judge people, you don’t know their story.

It’s OKAY to be alone.

You can come back from rock bottom.

Domestic violence can take many forms.

A shelter is more than just a place to stay.

Finding someone to talk to is vitally important.

You cannot change them.

Don’t talk about your feelings with them.

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