The adventures of Levko. Fairy tale

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам сказки, детские приключения, детская психология. Оно опубликовано в 2022 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Victoria Zonova is a modern Russian writer, psychologist and illustrator of books for children. She creates fascinating therapeutic fairy tales with love and a subtle understanding of the child's psyche. In her fairy tales, good miracles seem real, and the main characters are always children. Victoria is a mother of three children. And the eldest son inspired her to write this book. A fairy tale about the adventures of a boy and a cat. This fairy tale will teach friendship, courage and resourcefulness. Read with your children, plunging into the magical world of fantasy.

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It is dedicated to my beloved son Leva,

an inventor and a funny man who

inspires me every day.

Changes in the Maple City

In one far, far away, and maybe even very close to the Maple City, in which it constantly pours rain from colorful marmalades, there lived a brave, kind and weather-wise boy named Levkoi.

He loved the magic marmalade that is brewed in the cauldron of wisdom of the Tower of Omniscience. Having tasted these jelly drops and made a wish, you, like Lev, can be sure of its indispensable execution.

In addition to the magic cauldron, there is a crystal of joy in the Tower of Omniscience, which makes the residents of the city happy. It is located on the clock tower and the sun rays always play in it, filling the city with a magical glow.

And in the very depths of the tower, in the ancient library, there is a book of wisdom on the table. Any resident of the Maple City can come and look at its pages, find out the answer to your question. The Book of Wisdom helps everyone to make the right decision when in doubt.

Therefore, the residents of the Maple City are the kindest creatures. They live in peace and joy. There are Ringing Trills here – little girls, whose singing makes the trees rustle with leaves. There are also Rainy Shamans here – lively boys who call for showers with their games. And also Fragrant Swings – cheerful grandmothers who always walk in pairs and cook marmalade and jam. And you can also meet Unrestrained Bumblebees-playful, nimble cats who love to play catch-up and hide-and-seek on the maples of the city and on its paths. And of course, there are Sunny Highlights in the Maple City-fairy mothers who give love and light up everything around with a gentle light just by their presence. Many other cute inhabitants can also be found in the city. They all share a love of life, wisdom and kindness.

But one day, one of the summer days, something unprecedented happened in the Maple City. At first, no one could understand what was going on. There was no more rain of marmalades, no rustling of leaves underfoot, no aromas of apple and strawberry jam, and no one was singing anymore. In an instant, all the ordinary residents became sad and stupid, as if they were bewitched. And one very respected grandfather even put skis on his feet and a butterfly net instead of a cap. In this form, one of the Rainy Shamans, a boy already familiar to us named Levkoi, found grandfather in the central square.

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