Aryans and We

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам научно-популярная литература, духовная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2021 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Community living arrangements require correct understanding of human psychology. Daily wants of a human are not different from those of animals, but a human inherently is gifted with much more developed intelligence. If a human is another species with the purpose to assure existence by means of natural selection, then the question arises: why are we given the intelligence and the emotional life which do not stop searching for recipes of happiness and justice? Every nation at some point of its evolution feels as having found this recipe. What was it like for the Aryans? The Aryans are among those rare nations with the culture addressing the inner life of all living beings in this creation. This Book invites you to travel to the world of the Aryans. Hope, it will be enjoyable and helpful. We are sure that every “traveler” will be delighted at and respectful of the inner life of the Aryans and will find solutions for many psychological problems which hitherto have seemed nonsolvable.

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If due to faults in its ideology religion fails to ensure the process of natural purification to give one happiness, it turns to violence forcing to follow its system of restrictions, thus, turning from the source of happiness into the source of sufferings.

The Author

The human history… So many nations and states rose and fell before its eyes. Our planet has always been the battle ground for the dominance of one person over the other, one tribe over the other, one nation other the other, one state over the other. People destroyed each other. For the sake of what? Who can give the answer? It is only clear that ever and again different nations generated certain doctrines and then by implementing them sought for the global domination. Ancient Egypt, Byzantium, Greece, Rome, Germany, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and now the United States of America. Each of these states offered the world an individual life style. But all of them had one thing in common. They enforced their life styles to the world by the sword. By the blooming history, any nation understands the time when by its sword and rape it had the domination over all others.

Mankind has entered the 21st century with a record of achievements in technology, the overpopulated planet burdened with the unprecedented scale of weapons, the evident inequality of living standards between developed and pauper countries, ethnic and religious conflicts, formed supercountries seeking for the world hegemony. Obviously, today like thousand years ago the decisive role is in the preponderance of force. Powerful, wealthy, armed and as a consequence protected nations are trying to expand their spheres of influence in order to achieve high living standards and enrich their people.

On the hard path of development, mankind has reached a level of democracy. We see that European countries have made significant advances in this field. The matters in hand include problems of human rights, uniqueness of and rights to life, economic health and other issues which these countries are trying to solve. At a first glance, achievements are rather great. Anyway, when citizens of underdeveloped countries come to European states, they feel socially secured. Taking into account the recent history of mankind, it is a great achievement.

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