Methods of memorizing foreign words. Brochure

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам учебная литература, руководства. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785005373762.


Данная брошура – продукт школьного проекта по изучению свойств памяти. Здесь представлены шесть способов запоминания слов. Надеемся, что книга поможет. Иллюстрация «MindMap» взята из открытого доступа Сети Интернет.This headset is a product of a school project to study the properties of memory. Here are six ways to memorize words. We hope that the book will help. The «MindMap» illustration is taken from the open access Internet.

Читать онлайн Victoria Arzhevikina - Methods of memorizing foreign words. Brochure


Алина Титова

© Victoria Arzhevikina, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0053-7376-2

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Nowadays, the flow of information presses on a person from all sides. Our brain has to remember many things. But it’s unrealistic to remember everything if you’re not Benedict Cumberbatch. How to improve your memory? You can improve memory and concentration using a set of measures: special exercises, healthy eating, good rest. This tutorial contains 6 popular methods of memorizing information.


flashcards are a way to memorize information. A system familiar to many from school, which is most often used to memorize words in a foreign language or dates in history.

A card is an ordinary piece of paper, cardboard or an electronic picture with two working sides. On one – a word, definition, term or some kind of phenomenon. On the other – an explanation to it, a translation or a brief essence. Cards, especially when used on a regular basis, help to securely pack information into long-term memory.

Why does it work?

When we read a synopsis or listen to a lecture, we passively consume information: some part of the knowledge is stored in memory, and some of it flies out of the head. In order to better remember the information, and most importantly, to get it out of the «palaces of memory» in time, you need to connect active memorization, as when answering a question.

When we collect the answer ourselves and generate it, the brain works more actively. Therefore, everything that we said and presented is remembered better than what we just saw and heard.

This principle is at the heart of flashcard learning. We see a question – one side of the card with an unfamiliar word or definition. After that, we try to find the answer on our own and, if we didn’t cope, we open the other side and check ourselves. In fact, each viewing of a stack of cards is a small personal exam, a test of knowledge. During this test, information is assimilated better than with simple reading.

2 Association method.

Another good method of memorizing words and developing memory is the association method. … He and its variants are also found under other names: the method of the chain of associations, the method of associative links, the chain method of memorization. The method can be used to memorize a sequence of words, numbers, phone numbers, dates.

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