День, когда рухнул мир

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру публицистика. Год его публикации неизвестен. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Роллан Сейсенбаев – признанный классик казахской литературы. Его романы, повести, рассказы издавались в самых престижных журналах и издательствах России, Англии, Америки, Германии, Италии, Венгрии, Польши, Японии и Кубы.

Роллан Сейсенбаев награжден «Золотым офицерским крестом» Польши, «Золотым Рыцарским Крестом» Венгрии, орденом «Дружбы» Кубы за заслуги перед литературой. Он является обладателем множества международных литературных премий.

Крупнейшие критики мира называют рассказы Роллана Сейсенбаева жемчужинами. Поистине Он уникальный Мастер слова.

Роллан Сейсенбаев стал своеобразным эталоном современной казахской интеллектуальной прозы.

Читать онлайн Роллан Сейсенбаев - День, когда рухнул мир


The story

Translated by Alexandra Nadezhdina

To the victims of nuclear tests and ecological catastrophes.

The Author


There are three global tasks standing before the mankind today. They are: defence of peace, safeguarding spirituality and nature protection. These are the fundamental conditions for our further existence. Each of them is incomplete without another. The future of not only Kazakhstan but whole the world depends on these three elements.

We will be ever facing Hamlet’s question «To be or not to be» concerning tomorrow’s mankind, if we do not listen to the voice of prudence.

The technical development of the world has progressed leaps and bounds. Thereby the man became a spendthrift wasting natural resources. His creative energy is spent in vain, and he loses the ability to embrace the richest ocean of the culture and the thought, collected by the previous generations drop by drop.

Unfortunately, we are far from realising this fully. The intellectual and ideological vacuum leads people to avoiding reality and casts them down into the abyss of spiritual, moral and physical decadency.

The third millennium demands our pledge to establishing harmony at our common home – the Planet Earth.

The only meaning of the book is its pristine, lofty, sacred and exalted one which has served as man’s most powerful weapon in protecting culture and spirituality.

It is the book that brings knowledge and culture to the mankind.

The book keeps the mystery of the human race’s being.

The book is the fruit of human thought dowered with the breath of time and space.

The mankind has entrusted its sacred insights and soul revelations to the book. It is the book only that can teach marching ahead, avoiding cataclysms and climbing up the apogees of humanity.

The book is the most patient teacher.

It is the book only that can unmistakably teach us good from evil, truth from falsity.

There is nothing dearer to an intellectual than the book!

The 200-volume Library of Magazine «AMANAT» published by Abay International Club is dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Independent Kazakstan.

We are bequeathing our only and most complete will to the youth as the future of our country. It is the Book.

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