Best Family Breakfasts

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This capacious book will dip you into the delicious world of making your breakfast unbelievably tasty and useful. It provides you with different recipes of pancakes and fritters that will refresh your eyes in the sleepy mornings and warm your heart when your family members will taste this incredible food. Let’s try and make sure of it!

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Milk pancakes

Ingredients: 400 g of wheat flour, 5 eggs, 1 liter of milk, sugar and salt to taste.

Beat eggs thoroughly, sugar, salt and almost a glass of milk, then pour in the remaining milk, sift the flour, quickly knead a homogeneous dough. Pour a thin layer on a hot, greased frying pan, fry on both sides.

Buckwheat pancakes with wheat flour

Ingredients: 250 g of wheat flour, 250 g of buckwheat flour, 30 g of yeast, 3 eggs, 1 cup of sour cream, milk or water, salt.

To make pancakes, you need to put the dough out of wheat flour, warm milk and yeast. After the dough has fermented, add buckwheat flour, yolks, sour cream, salt, dilute it with milk and add the whipped whites in the resistant foam, mix gently from top to bottom, allow the dough to rise and, without stirring, carefully bake pancakes in hot, greased butter in the pan. Serve pancakes with melted butter, sour cream, herring, salted or fresh fish, caviar. They eat them with vegetable oil.

King pancakes

Ingredients: 600 g of wheat flour, 50 g of yeast, 0.6 l of milk.

For the test: 5 egg yolks, 150 g butter, 600 g wheat flour, 250 g cream, 5 egg whites, sugar, salt to taste.

The dough for the king’s pancakes contains a lot of muffin and is prepared in three steps, because otherwise the yeast will not be able to “raise” so much muffin. First you need to make a dough of warm milk, yeast and flour. Let the dough degrade. When it rises, add the yolks, crushed into a homogeneous mass, with butter, sugar and salt. Then sift the flour through a sieve, mix the dough thoroughly, put it in a warm place for fermentation for 40 minutes. When the dough rises, introduce the whites and cream whipped into a stable foam separately, mix the dough from top to bottom and after 10 minutes bake the pancakes in a hot, greased pan.

Slavic pancakes

Ingredients: 700 g of wheat flour, 250 g of sour cream, 8 eggs, salt to taste.

To make pancakes, you need to sour cream, beat the yolks and salt until a thick foam is obtained, then pour the flour into the whipped mass, sifting it through a strainer. Add the whipped whites to the resistant foam, mix from top to bottom until the dough is completely homogeneous. Oven pancakes in a hot, oiled skillet. Serve pancakes with jam, jam, icing sugar, as well as caviar or salmon.

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