Stories of one night

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам мистика, любовное фэнтези. Оно опубликовано в 2023 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


An unusual story that happened to the protagonists of Alexey Mukhin's story is the only thing that unites them. They are so different, but they all want love and warmth, and to achieve this, they have to overcome mysticism, passion, love, pursuit with the shooting, and to get out from improbable, as it seems, situations, in which they managed to get in one night.Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Actress’s Diary

– Gukovskiy! Gukovskiy!

– Huh? – Pavel answered drawling, not understanding who might need him at this moment, when the material has not been ready yet, there are loads of documents on the table and the turned-on computer starts to annoy with the same type of icon.

“I should change it”, – a thought flashed through his mind.

– Go to the chief, – a voice materialized in the form of his colleague Sveta.

Pasha nodded. The edition office was already noisy. Everyone was running with papers, showing something to someone. Sveta, after passing him the chief’s request, sat down at her desk and began to call on her mobile phone, tinting lips with one hand.

“How can she manage to combine it all?” – Pasha thought.

The “asshole” (it’s the nickname of Alexander Pletnyov – a skinny blond tall guy who was constantly mocking at Pavel and making fun of him) was telling something to Natasha. Sensing that Pavel was looking at him, he turned around.

– What are you staring at, Celentano? Go, the chief calls you. What are you staring at, slow poke! – He drawled the last word.

Natasha, a busty brunette, laughed as always.

“What a beauty!” – Pavel thought.

He stood up, straightened his fashionable scarf and headed to the chief.

– Hey, Celentano, – the “asshole” called him. – Who are you, Gukovskiy – a Pole or a Jew?

– I am a Jewish Mason! – Pavel retorted.

– Sanya, why did you pick on the guy! – Sveta intervened.

– Oh, our protection has woken up!

– Well, that’s enough! – Sveta shrugged and stared at the monitor.

– He can not stand up for himself! – Alexander did not back off.

– Shall I pour some water over your head? – Pasha asked.

– Just try it!

– Okay, enough! – Pavel said.

He waved his hand and went into the chief editor’s office opposite. The door was closed, and he knocked softly.

– Gukovskiy, come in.

– How did you know it was me? – Pavel said, coming in.

– How, how… Only you come in like this – always guilty and very long.

After hearing the morality of how one should come into an office, Pavel thought, while looking at this, no longer young man: “Why are they all so alike? A bald spot on the head, certainly a white shirt, a tummy and short legs (well, they can’t do without them, do they?), piggy eyes, darting for you in search of some other disadvantages. Maybe, the chief editor is a nationality? Just look at Chinese – they all look alike!”

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