My Granny's Potions

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам магия / колдовство, эзотерика / оккультизм. Оно опубликовано в 2020 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-532-04654-2.


Эта книга в простой и краткой форме объясняет, для чего нужна магия. Она направлена на то, чтобы разбить темы так, чтобы каждый мог ее выполнить. Я объясняю, как магия развивалась на протяжении многих лет и как мы можем использовать ее сегодня. На практике я представляю руководство по наиболее используемым магическим ингредиентам в мире домашней магии, чтобы вы могли его использовать.

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María Isabel Pedrera Pérez, better known as Maga Beth, was born in Barcelona on February 9, 1970.

With an inherited profession, her grandmother and great grandmother introduced her in the world of High Magic; she showed, at an early age, a preference towards esotericism.

María Isabel attended basic and high school education and completed higher education with a diploma in Infant Education and Childcare, specialising her studies with the following courses:

– Educator for people with learning difficulties – Autism.

– Special needs – Dyslexia.

– Stimulation and development in education with disabilities.

– Psychopathic disorders in childhood.

– Speech Therapy.

– The teacher in school failure.

– Music therapy.

– Movement and play in the teaching practice.

She combined both studies and also specialised in parapsychology, hypnosis, occultism and astrology; and completed a Master in Quality Control and Environment.

As a good Aquarius, her restless soul led her to continue gaining experience but this time in the natural world, and earned a diploma in Naturopathy, Bach Flowers Remedies, Schüssler Salts, Dietetics and Nutrition, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology and Chiromassage.

María Isabel is the author of several books:

– El mágico mundo de las pirámides- Piramidología práctica y esotérica.

– Runas, símbolos mágicos.

– Diccionario de santería.

– Eshú y Pomba Gira, más allá del bien y del mal.

– The Great Secret of Holy Death

– The world of Eshú and Pomba Gira

Throughout these years, María Isabel has collaborated in several radio programmes and esoteric fairs, has given lectures and conferences, and many Tarot, Runes and High Magic courses; and also participated in the First Congress of Mediums held in Spain.

Currently, she continues working in different fields spreading her knowledge.




Instagram: Maga Beth



This book is dedicated to what allowed me to get here, with the good and the bad things.

Family is sometimes a curse and others the greatest blessing.

Here I have to thank my great-grandparents and my grandparents, since I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t had them.

They are fundamental pieces in my life, and don’t think that, although you are reading this book, everybody believed in magic.

Some of my family members were witches and sorcerers and others were pragmatic and very sceptical.

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