Little women. Маленькие женщины. Адаптированная книга на английском

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанру современная проза. Оно опубликовано в 2020 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Роман о четырех не похожих друг на друга сестрах и их взрослении. Самой младшей – одиннадцать, старшей – семнадцать. Они веселятся, играют, заводят дружбу с соседским мальчиком и его дедушкой, а также сталкиваются с серьезными испытаниями. В каждой главе описываются разные истории, из которых можно извлечь уроки морали. Текст сокращен и адаптирован под уровень А2+. Подойдет для чтения, начиная с 7-го класса, а также взрослым, изучающим английский язык. В конце книги имеется небольшой словарик и упражнения.

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Little women

Chapter 1

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," said Jo.

“It’s so sad that we are poor!” sighed Meg.

“It’s sad that some girls have everything, and we have nothing,” added Amy.

“But we have mother and father, and each other,” said Beth.

All four sisters smiled at those words, but then Jo said “We don’t have father, and we won’t have him for a long time.”

For a moment there was silence. Then Meg said “You know mother said we wouldn’t get any presents this Christmas because it will be a hard winter for all of us. She thinks we shouldn’t spend money on nice things while our men are suffering in the army.”

Margaret, or Meg in short, was sixteen and pretty, she had white hands and were proud of them. Jo was fifteen years old, she was tall and had a suntan. Everyone called her boyish, and she was. Her only beauty was her long hair, but it always was such a mess. Next, Elizabeth, or Beth, was thirteen and shy. Usually she was calm and lived in her own world. Amy, the youngest, eleven, was very important, as she thought.

It was Christmas time and girls thought about present for mother. They talked a little and then decided to give her four different presents.

Then they went to learn their parts. Girls had a tradition of home performances. As there were only four of them, one actress played two or three different parts and needed to learn a lot of words.

Suddenly, they heard their mother came home. She asked the girls how their day was and came to table. After dinner, she took a letter from father, and they read it together.

“Tell the girls I love them. One year is a long time to wait until I come home. We all should work hard these days so they pass faster. But when I come home and see them, I will be so happy and proud of my girls.”

When they finished the letter, Jo had a tear on her face.

Chapter 2

The next morning Jo woke up first. She didn’t see any stockings* at the fireplace and was sad for a moment. But then she put her hand under the pillow and found a book. She woke her sister Meg, said “Merry Christmas!” and told her to look under the pillow, too. Meg also found a book. Then Beth. And then Amy. All had books about wonderful journeys but in different colours.

Soon, all the girls started reading their books. The room was calm, the sun was shining, the pages turned softly.

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