Сказки о животных. Давайте читать по-английски!

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам учебная литература, языкознание. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785005099150.


The book is composed so that first the text is in English, and then the Russian text follows.This method is one of the most effective methods of learning a foreign language. As soon as you start reading, you already understand the meaning of what is written.Книга составлена так, что сначала текст на английском, а далее следует русский текст.Такой метод – один из самых эффективных методов изучения иностранного языка. Лишь начав читать, вы уже понимаете смысл написанного.

Читать онлайн Валерий Ларченко - Сказки о животных. Давайте читать по-английски!

© Валерий Ларченко, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-9915-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Once, a bear, Clumsy Foot, walked through the forest, hungry, seeking for some food to eat. Suddenly, he saw a bee Buzzy, flying towards him.

– Hello, bear, Clumsy Foot!

– Hello you, too, little Bee Buzzy! Where do you fly to?

– I’m flying to the far meadow. The red, sweet, clover bloomed in there.

– May I go with you, to taste the sweet, red, clover?

– Of course! Let’s go! The meadow is big and there is enough clover for everyone.

Bee Buzzy flew forward and bear Clumsy Foot hobbled after her.

They came to the meadow. And there is clover, like a red carpet.

The bee began to fly from flower to flower, collecting sweet nectar. But, the bear grabbed several flowers with his paw, chewed it, and spat it out.

– Is this enough to satisfy hunger??

By this time Buzzy is going to fly back, already, with full buckets of flower nectar.

– Give me one bucket. I want to taste. – Clumsy Foot begs.

– No, bear! – Little bee says to him. – I cannot give you this nectar. These buckets I will carry to the hive. And from this nectar we shall make sweet fragrant honey and feed our babies. And if I give nectar to you, then our children will remain hungry.

– Oh, – bear got angry here, – then I will come, and take away all your honey!

– See, how big and strong I am. And you are tiny. What can you do to me? Bee Buzzy didn’t say anything. She just buzzed angrily and flew to her beehive.

All day long little bee Buzzy and her girl-friends had been flying around, collecting the flower nectar. Full honeycombs turned out.

And then the bear came out of the forest tired, hungry and angry.

– Bees, give me my honey! – Bear roars.

Bees were surprised

– Is this your honey? Did you fly to the meadow? Did you collect nectar from flowers? Did you make honey from this nectar?

– No, bear, we shall not give you any honey!

– Ah, don’t you give it to me? – Clumsy Foot roars louder.

– Well, I’ll take it from you, then. And I will turn your hives upside down.

And bear hobbled to the beehives.

Bees grew very angry. They began to gather in a swarm. And then they pounced on the bear. And they began to sting him from all sides.

The bear spanned, spanned, trying to fight off the bees. Waved his clawed paws, but everything was useless. Not a single bee he was able to hook. And the bear himself already had his nose swollen and his eyes were swollen; only narrow slits remained. But still the bear could not get to the hive. Finally, Clumsy Foot was not able to withstand the bee stings. He turned back and began to run away, trying to escape from the bees. Only his hairless soles flashed through the woods.

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