
О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам героическая фантастика, боевое фэнтези, героическое фэнтези. Оно опубликовано в 2019 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


In a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My dear people, You have no idea what services exist in our world…

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Conductor Part one


A young man of about thirty, slightly bent over the sleeping girl, gently propped on the bed.

Sleeps. That's good, I won't Wake you.

Leaning back on the wide bed, a good stretch and rubbing his eyes, the guy got out of bed, hurriedly throwing on his underwear.

Outside the window I could see the dawn, in summer it occurs quite early. Parrot in a cage did not want to Wake up, and the cat of the mistress only lazily opened one sleepy eye, assessed the situation and continued my wandering cat dreams.

A good girl, nice to talk to, decent in bed, attentive to situations… but not mine. Time for me.

Carefully gathered, trying not to create noises, approaching the door, he once more looked at the sleeping brunette, then carefully withdrew, quietly closing the door behind him.

This night is for Dmitry was not something special. It was not difficult for him to meet a girl so easily, to spend a great time with her, to fill her and, indeed, his life with bright emotions for a short period of time. True, that's a long relationship he never built. Not that I did not want, not that I was afraid, well, even somehow I did not think much about this topic. Age allows – we must take everything from life. There, later on it will be possible to beat somewhere already, and while early to me-he reasoned.

And so, in one of these ordinary days, Dima, standing at the bus stop heard:

– «Oh»…

A young pretty girl suddenly dropped her purse, not far from all those who were waiting for transport. While she was vigorously debated on a cell phone with a friend your last shopping trip, some Looky-Loo forty-five caught the suitcase, her purse, from which all its contents crumbled under the feet of passersby.

Such a chance should not be missed.

– "Excuse me, I'll help You", – as far as possible the kind tone said the plunderer of women's hearts, sitting down on his haunches next to the bewildered girl, "I hope You will allow? Here, a couple of pencils for eyelashes, almost landed in the gutter drain".

– "Do you know the attributes of cosmetics?"– the girl smiled – his whole appearance making it clear that she not only opposed, but strongly "for".

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