Esotericist. Mind games

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам героическая фантастика, городское фэнтези, детективное фэнтези. Оно опубликовано в 2019 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Do you know that you live in a world of the blind? Man being until the end of an unidentified to this day. We know very little of what we might know, and those who know a little more than others are reluctant to spread this knowledge. We see each other, hear, understand, but at the same time, we become less and less sighted…

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Esotericist Mind games Part 1

On the first page of the worn notebook of the doctor of psychological Sciences Romanova was given a brief psychological portrait and the image of his best friend Jacob.

He often drank tea with chocolate in any form, due to the fact that chocolate promotes active brain activity, although this theory was not really proven, but the evidence he did not need.

At school a respectful and empathetic attitude to such disciplines as history and philosophy.

He liked to spend time alone, quietly listening to classical music with his eyes closed, leaning back on a chair.

He was fond of chess. And although he did not reach the level of grandmaster, perhaps due to the lack of worthy rivals, he could easily calculate up to seven, eight combinations in memory, fixing the location of each of the figures.

Incredible pool game. The strange thing is that he never learned to play professionally, there were no teachers, no opportunity to learn, as a child there was no pool table, finally. But God knows what a gift he saw, the place and time of impact, to ordered the guys ball, dispersing others, rolled into the pocket, which was a crazed customer.

This secret he did not disclose to anyone, the only thing he said to me once in a friendly way after a short party:

– I just feel and hit. Set a goal, picked the ball mentally built its trajectory, the impact, the longer you aim, the less chance to hit. A paradox, but in my case it has the character of regularity.

Now it is difficult to say what moved his actions and paradoxical abilities in the open and certainly more of his weight is not disclosed path, but I can firmly say that his main game was played even more mysterious mind…

The last entry on the first page read:

It is not surprising that people of such mindset showed great interest in the esoteric!


– Doctor, you dear man, how long can you wait? – referring to the innocent Romanova customized tone Jacob Smolin.

– What, already?

– Yes, the third instalment in the dry, I'm sorry, but you missed a few masterly strokes.

Yakov took a couple of SIPS of green tea, which was the signature drink of the billiard club.

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