Postal history

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам кинематограф / театр, пьесы и драматургия, зарубежная драматургия. Оно опубликовано в 2019 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


The dreamer – romantic guy has been sending parcels to his beloved through the local post office for three years. He is very scrupulous about Souvenirs, which he puts into parcels and waits, hopes for a bit of reciprocity. But one day he learns that the mail has completely failed him. None of the packages ever reached the addressee. How will the hero in a few days to make up for lost years – see the Comedy "Postal history"

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Attention! All copyrights to the play are protected by the laws of Russia, international legislation, and belong to the author. Its publication and reissue, reproduction, public performance, translation into foreign languages, changes in the text of the play when staged without the written permission of the author are prohibited. Staging of the play is possible only after the conclusion of a direct contract between the author and the theater.

Comedy. Duration 1 hour 30 minutes


DARIA is Benjamin's girlfriend, or so he thinks. About 30 years;

BENJAMIN is a guy about 30 years old. Squishy, but romantic, courting the object of their desires for years;

The POST OFFICE worker (RPO) is a portly woman about 50 years old. Rude, boorish person, offended by life, but with a sense of humor.



Sounds of lyrical music.

Benjamin carefully and lovingly wraps the parcel. Inside are two exclusive crystal glasses engraved with the names "Benjamin", "Daria". He reads aloud the inscriptions, very anxiously anticipating the moment of receipt of this gift by his girlfriend. Wraps crystal first in a bubble substrate, then in a beautiful bright gift wrap and only then in a rough postage cardboard box. Glues the appropriate labels, information plate with the recipient, sender, etc. He presses the parcel to his heart, dreamily closes his eyelids, goes with the parcel to the post office.


RPO sits in front of the computer, playing solitaire. Benjamin comes to the bar.

BENJAMIN: Hello, I would like to send this parcel.

RPO not reacts, if no one there is no.

The guy waits for a while, then repeats his appeal.

BENJAMIN: Hello, I would like to send a parcel, can I?

The same reaction, RPO hard sighs, and starts to hard click with the mouse, staring at the computer monitor.

Benjamin clears his throat, trying to attract attention.

RPO (shouts): Why cough here? If you're sick, stay at home, there's no need to go to public places. He's here, you know, coughing. Infect us all here decided to that whether? No respect for people.

BENJAMIN (stammering with excitement): all of Them?

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