The Heritage of Ancestors

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам культурология, общая история. Год его публикации неизвестен. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


This book presents the cycle of articles, denoted spiritual and cultural heritage of Uzbek, sent by our far and close ancestors – our grandparent and great-grandfathers, who fought for conservation and development cultural and moral traditions of Uzbek folk. There are traditions, particularly, of the family subject, wealth of the literature, poetries, memorials of architecture, public folklore and art, but the main – an image of the thinking, distinguishing Orient from the West. This book is of interest not only for culture-researchers, but also for all interesting by rainbow of multifarious and multicolored world cultures.

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On the Dignity

In the beginning of the XX century French artist Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) while dying on the far island Tahiti is creating his last masterpiece – the painting "Where we have come from. Where we go. What for". At the same time Russian proletarian writer Maksim Gorkiy is proclaiming by the tramp Satin's lips in his novel "At the bottom" – "A HUMAN being – it sounds proudly!", hereby anticipating the extraordinary ascent of the human mind and intellect in the upcoming century.

Technical and informational evolution has not left women aside. The most significant revolution of the twentieth century is the change in women's status, as it was confirmed by the famous activist of women's movement Georgina Ashworth. Outstanding women – legendary Bella Abzug, the senator of American Congress, and Devaki Jain, an Indian writer and founder of the Asian women’s network DAWN – have published their mutual work "Women's Leadership and the Ethics of Development" (Women Watch, 1996), where they have first expressed seeming utopian idea that women can change the nature of power and transform the world.

Nowadays on the threshold of the third millennium again we ask a question: what is the meaning of the dignity of personality – of both man and woman?

Half a year ago in the Russian TV-show of A. Malakhov "Five evenings" on the subject of "The value of dignity" there was asked a question: "How much is the person's dignity and whether it is sold?" The statement of a question itself is very absurd in Uzbekistan, where cultural origins of the questions go far away to the past, and the national folklore is a proof for that. Thus, in Uzbek language there are many synonyms of dignity: nature of soul – fazilat, authority – tuturiq, prestige – obro’, ascendancy – nufuz, e’tibor, superiority – ustunlik, ortiqlik, advantage – afzallik, self-respect – izzat, honor, good name – sha’n, value, worth – qadr, characterizing the meaning of a personality for surrounding people, society. Therefore there are some proverbs used in Uzbek life, which are similar to Russian ones: "Keep the dress since it is new, keep the honor since you are young". "Fazilat – farzand kabidir" – "The honor is like a child, it should be protected and always improved" – this is said by folk wisdom from the collection of aphorisms "Gradually learning, gain the wisdom" (Mukhamadiev N., 1977, Tashkent). Dignity is not inherited by blood relationship, it is tender as a flower and brought up since the early childhood.

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