Angels turned around (Heavenly escort)

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам научная фантастика, современные любовные романы, любовно-фантастические романы. Оно опубликовано в 2018 году. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 978-5-5321-1625-2.


Mr. Brainy is looking for a heart for his daughter. Angels talk to his daughter. Elizabeth falls in love with Mr. Brainy. Angels say they are not meant to be together. Elizabeth’s father Mr. Cantone works as a judge and restores the Constitutional Court. Angels praise her father and give him another 20 years of life. Elizabeth gives her heart to the daughter of Mr. Brainy, who is sentenced to death. Elizabeth’s father innocents Mr. Brainy in court. Angels come to the father and say that Elizabeth settled in the body of Mr. Brainy’s daughter. She will always be next to him. The angels leave, but one of them turns around…

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…They turned to me. I completely lost my strength, and my spirit forced me to pray. Fear, tears, monstrous pain. To survive all this is impossible, if there is no protection. Oh, my God, how many angels are trying to reach YOU for protection? And you are blind, deaf, dumb… Sparks from the eyes and a strong yearning. Do you want to go there? Then they turn around. If they turn around, then it's time. It's time to act. Having reached the point, you can finally surrender to their hands. Eh, how I would like to see them. Touch them, communicate with them. They are the messengers of heaven. Or are they…

Mr. Brainy and Elizabeth (the names of the main characters of the book) knew each other only because of the society of writers, in which Elizabeth was called to read poems on Saturday in the old abandoned building of the Constitutional Court it was closed due to its failure to protect citizens during the Civil War, which began in 2025. Mr. Brainy did not believe in miracles, but for him it was always a mystery how people suddenly escaped from disasters, tragedies, illnesses, and at the same time they could explain what was really the power in a person, with which they could save themselves?

On another Saturday, Elizabeth got ready to read, taking a small canvas bag with turkey sandwiches, slices of melon, and a cranberry juice cooked by her mother for a sick father who had been ill for several months. Elizabeth was 35 and she no longer believed that there was love in the world, since the last decades of her life were connected only with the struggle for her own importance and beauty, which she did not receive from nature.

Mr. Brainy sat away from everyone, his glasses were lowered to the edge of his nose and he was looking into the huge window of the court, from which was seen the multiple roads of the city named M – a huge metropolis that is mired in the struggle for the control of everything that at least somehow would prolong the life of man spiritually and physically. Even such things as transplantation of organs for those who needed it, were banned 40 years after a successful heart operation. The daughter of Mr. Brainy, 12-year-old Stephanie, needed a transplant. Her heart failed to cope, because she had a deformity in the area of the blood pumping valves, and Mr. Brainy, and he was a world-class surgeon, was looking for a way to eliminate the ailment, but the only salvation would be a transplant.

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