Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам прочая образовательная литература, научно-популярная литература. Оно опубликовано в 2018 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


Earth is getting continuously supplied with energy that from the space in both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic forms, as well as in a form of ether vortex. Studies have shown that the human brain, EEG (electroencepha-logram) remains the most accurate among all the devices set up sophisticated physicists. responds to changes in the density of the cosmic ether.Economic growth becomes dependent on cosmic energies in the sameexact manner as they influence the activity of our brain.

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Professional communications among brilliant practitioners and equally brilliant scientists, who are working not on promotion of their citation rates, but rather on real practical problems, does not pass without a trace. Your mind, and then your conscience starts worrying about unfinished experiments, stated and unchecked ideas, unaccomplished affairs. You cannot get rid of thinking how it is simple to measure velocity of the ether near Earth, if you have precise apparatus measuring the magnetic field strength, and if you know where usually the ether "blows". The magnetic field "blows away" the ethereal wind. When you measure and calculate these by yourself, then debates about the reality of cosmic ether begin to cause bewilderment. Then you realize: argue those people who cannot experimentally reproduce the results by themselves or those, for whom the existence of cosmic ether is not profitable. Like the existence of alternative economic theories is not profitable for some economists. It's like a peculiar self-protective reaction of personal professional status or, as well, like self-admiration. There are other reasons for disputes that are sometimes far from the search for truth.

Thus, the authors of this book did not waste their time on arguing the issue that cannot be proven by general considerations – about the reality of cosmic ether, and about its properties. There is neither the detailed knowledge that is usually addressed in books issued earlier by the scientific center.

This are provisions telling about existence of ether vortices of left and right spins, on impact of cosmic ether on our history, cycles of such impact, of empires’ stages of development in accordance with cycles of cosmic energies, about the essence of gravity-spin energy, about its connection with the electromagnetic energy and with a certain arrangement of planets, about transfer of ether energy to Earth through pathways of Void, about the physiological, biological mechanism of perception these energies by the body, and etc. If certain assertions of this book will seem to readers insufficiently clear and evident, then we suggest to read materials published earlier by scientific and educational centers of "Biryuch" and "Bemkon". These materials are cited in the book.

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