How to be, if no sex with husband. What if my husband does not have sex?

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Many women mistakenly think that getting married and is the ultimate goal of the relationship between a man and a woman. However, it’s not a secret that the most interesting thing begins next: relations in marriage need not just be preserved, but it is also desirable to strengthen them. It’s here that it becomes clear that even after the wedding, you should not relax especially.

Читать онлайн Alice Meyer - How to be, if no sex with husband. What if my husband does not have sex?

© Alice Meyer, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-0909-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Many women mistakenly think that getting married and is the ultimate goal of the relationship between a man and a woman. However, it’s not a secret that the most interesting thing begins next: relations in marriage need not just be preserved, but it is also desirable to strengthen them. It’s here that it becomes clear that even after the wedding, you should not relax especially.


Many women mistakenly think that getting married and is the ultimate goal of the relationship between a man and a woman. However, it’s not a secret that the most interesting thing begins next: relations in marriage need not just be preserved, but it is also desirable to strengthen them. It’s here that it becomes clear that even after the wedding, you should not relax especially.

A woman in a marriage is always on the alert. Somehow it happened that it is she who is more vulnerable side, connected with life, children, and therefore less relaxed in realizing her desires. But for men, on the contrary, there are fewer constraining factors, and accordingly there are more opportunities to look for options. Given the natural timidity of women, the bulk of ladies are jealous of their chosen ones, even «to the telegraph pole.»

And if we still take into account the beautiful natural female fantasy, then the man in general on a level ground can become a mean traitor with all the female arguments «for». The fact that a woman can start thinking about treason can be that the husband suddenly became less ardent in bed. However, do not immediately «break the spears.» A man is also a person, and their lives are formed in a combination of circumstances. They, as a rule, experience them inside, not hurrying to devote all at once to all details. Troubles at work, a quarrel with a best friend, the vagaries of elderly parents: any of these or some other standard life factors can provoke the fact that a man becomes in bed less active.

He simply during this period in his head solves some of his own complex tasks, digests information, analyzes the situation for decision-making. The most important thing in this situation is not to exert pressure on a man, but try to figure out what really bothers him. It’s important to put yourself in his place and look at what’s going on with his eyes. Maybe then it will become clearer that it is just how to knock him out of balance.

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