Соломонов Евгений Валерьевич – доцент кафедры гражданского права юридического факультета Омского государственного университета им. Ф.М. Достоевского, кандидат юридических наук, доцент
Franchising and the contract of commercial concession: Results and prospects of legal regulation
Evgeny У. Solomonov – Associate Professor of the Civil Law Department of the Law Faculty of Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoevsky, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor
Yuritsyn A. A.
Franchising and the contract of commercial concession: results and prospects of legal regulation: monograph / A.A. Yuritsyn. – M.: Yustitsinform, 2018. – 264 p.
The monograph summarizes a wide range of theoretical and practical issues arising when concluding and executing commercial concession agreements. The author explores key concepts, establishes their relationship among themselves, and analyzes foreign experience in regulating of franchise relations. The issues of the subject and objects of commercial concession contract are examined in detail; problems arising in the course of discharging duties, application of measures of responsibility and observance of restrictive conditions are identified and solved. Particular attention is paid to the delineation of transactions that have a high degree of similarity with the commercial concession contract. The development prospects and the role of franchising within the domestic economy are determined.
The work is intended for the business sector, scientists, professional associations in the field of franchising, as well as law enforcement.
Keywords: franchising, conversion franchising, commercial concession agreement, franchise, granting of exclusive rights, distribution agreement, contract of simple partnership, agreement on joint activity, license agreement, cooperation.
© LLC «Yustitsinform», 2018
Время использования договора коммерческой концессии в отечественно гражданском обороте можно уверенно измерять в десятилетиях. За этот период было проведено множество научных исследований, призванных выявить преимущества и недостатки правового регулирования, обозначить способы решения выявленных проблем. В то же время остается ряд теоретических и практических вопросов, имеющих первостепенную важность как для осмысления необходимости и перспектив реформирования отечественного законодательства, так и для решения и превенции коллизии интересов сторон договорных отношений и норм права, регулирующих их поведение.