
О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам исторические приключения, биографии и мемуары. Оно опубликовано в 2017 году. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер.


False myths and unknown true. Biography Rasputin described in detail in hundreds of books and articles. The author of this brochure was not intended to write another detailed biography. Several little-known and most controversial topics accentuated here.

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Rasputin. False myths and unknown true.

On the cover you can see two photos of Grigory Rasputin: non retouched (original photo) made during the life of Rasputin (left) and retouched, from Soviet publications after 1917 (right). In this brochure, we'lll tell when and how were created the false myths about Rasputin. We'll also tell the truth about him.


Before discussing the origin of the false myths, let me give here excerpts from the Wikipedia's article about Rasputin:



Rasputin was neither a monk nor a saint; he never belonged to any order or religious sect.[4] He was considered a strannik ("pilgrim"), wandering from cloister to cloister. He was obsessed by religion[5] and impressed many people with his knowledge and ability to explain the Bible in an uncomplicated way.[6][7][8][9] It was widely believed that Rasputin had a gift for curing bodily ailments. In 1907 Rasputin was invited by Nicholas and Alexandra Feodorovna to heal their only son, tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia. "In the mind of the Tsarina Rasputin was closely associated with the health of her son, and the welfare of the monarchy."[10]

Rasputin was regarded as a starets ("elder") by his followers, who also believed him to be a psychic and faith healer.[11] His critics referred to him by the same term in an ironic fashion. He never considered himself to be a starets.[12] Rasputin spoke an almost incomprehensible Siberian dialect[13] and never preached or spoke in public.[14] The Tsarina saw Rasputin as a "Man of God" and clairvoyant,[13] but his enemies saw him as a debauched religious charlatan and a lecher. Brian Moynahan describes him as "a complex figure, intelligent, ambitious, idle, generous to a fault, spiritual, and – utterly– amoral."[15] He was an unusual mix, a muzhik, prophet and at the end of his life a party-goer.[16]

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