Implementing Missionary Activity. Theory and Practice

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The manual is designed to help full-time ministry workers and lay-people understand legislation concerning missionary activity, and how to conduct oneself while preaching, or engaging in outreach activities.

Читать онлайн Lusiko Emmanuilovna Adamia, Evgeny Nikolaevich Shestakov - Implementing Missionary Activity. Theory and Practice

© Igor Vladimirovich Yanshin, 2017

© Lusiko Emmanuilovna Adamia, 2017

© Evgeny Nikolaevich Shestakov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-6522-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Chapter 1. Legislation Concerning Missionary Activity

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Article 28.

Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or together with others any religion or to profess no religion at all, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious and other views and act according to them.

Article 29.

1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech.

2. Propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be allowed. Propaganda promoting social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be banned.

3. No person may be forced to express their views and convictions or to renounce them.

4. Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legal means. The list of information constituting a state secret is determined by federal law.

5. The freedom of mass communication shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be banned.

Federal Law «On freedom of conscience and religious associations» №125-FZ

Chapter III.1. Missionary Activity

Article 24.1. Content of Missionary Activity

1. For the purposes of this federal law, missionary activity is recognized as the activity of a religious association, aimed at disseminating information about its beliefs among people who are not participants (members, followers) in that religious association, with the purpose of involving these people as participants (members, followers). It is carried out directly by religious associations or by citizens and/or legal entities authorized by them, publicly, with the help of the media, the internet or other lawful means.

2. Missionary activity of religious organizations can be carried out:

– On religious premises, buildings and structures, as well as on land on which such buildings and structures are located;

– In buildings and structures belonging to religious organizations or provided to them in order to carry out their statutory activities, as well as on land on which such buildings and structures are located;

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