Gardener. Secrets of the Ottoman house

О книге

Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам триллеры, современная русская литература, пьесы и драматургия, историческая литература. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785448552526.


One is the gardener, the other is the Vizier. The capricious will of the Great Sultan reduces them one by one, and they begin a deadly race for survival. Who of them is a hunter, and who is a victim, will decide Fate. All this happens under the unflinching gaze of the Lord of the Osman and thousands of secret spectators. Who will win? The result of the duel you will learn, after reading my new book «The Gardener», which is based on real historical events.

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Иллюстратор Konstantin Krokhmal

Дизайнер обложки Konstantin Krokhmal

Фотограф Konstantin Krokhmal

© Konstantin Krokhmal, 2017

© Konstantin Krokhmal, иллюстрации, 2017

© Konstantin Krokhmal, дизайн обложки, 2017

© Konstantin Krokhmal, фотографии, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-5252-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Dear friends!

Many know me as a public figure, an auto expert, a journalist, a participant in television and radio programs. Today I am opening up for you on a newer side, as a writer. Possessing a huge amount of information, historical facts, I do not use them in full, except that I sometimes quote the classics in speeches before citizens, on television, radio, etc. Only a few of my close associates know my hobby – to write stories and novels. I write in the new, and more correctly, in a transformed style of an active story based on a real story or a little-known historical fact. I try to describe the events in an exciting manner from the first lines of the narrative. I would call my style a story-track or a story-composition.

I have long wondered why we listen to the song we liked a few times in a row. Why does not it bother us?

And all because a good song every time gives us a feeling of familiar novelty.

Have you re-read a story or a story for a long time?

In my opinion, an interesting and intelligent book should be read several times in a row, fueled by emotions and getting a charge of energy. I hope that this my story «The Gardener» will take a place in your library and will be among the books that will want to reread, reside and empathize with its heroes.

I specially designate and describe my characters with special touches, and already you, my dear reader, visualize the image of the hero and imagine exactly how it looks. I give a guide, and already the integrity of the picture is formed in everyone’s own, according to your imagination.

In my works, I do not claim 100% historical certainty, but only try to reconstruct events, and I myself live with my characters specific life situations.

I specially write compact, but capacious stories. My goal is to make them dynamic, easy to read and kept in suspense until the very last line. The ending of most of the works will surprise you.

I purposefully try to include in my stories a maximum of facts, so that you can add to the baggage of your knowledge, for knowledge, like health, is never superfluous.

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