Super Queen-Mother. Book III. The Seventh

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Suddenly received the terrible news that Earthlings were the last civilization, entered the Society of civilizations of the galaxy «Milky Way». This means that it is time entry in the Common Space civilization. Residents of the entire galaxy is required to prove their right to life. Super Queen-Mother was elected Seventh fighter…

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© Evgeniy Shmigirilov, 2015

© Natalya Zavyalova, illustrations, 2015

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

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Super Queen-Mother went up to the terrace and, sitting in the armchair, looked at the sky. The stars were brightly twinkling in the night sky dome. Nothing reminded her of deathly, violent battles somewhere out there, on one of the planets, which was healing its wounds after Super Queen-Mother had visited it.

The Moon came out from behind the tree branches and floodlit the terrace.

Super Queen-Mother remembered about two precious asteroids she had hidden on the other side of the mysterious hollow Moon, and welcomed the Orb of Night, waving her hand to it.

New life was coming.

Chapter 1

In the morning Super Queen-Mother went up to the terrace and looked down.

The sun, coming out from behind the mountain, lit the still sleeping town.

Cars were rolling on the roads by easy stages, taking their masters to work.

Janitors were finishing their morning street cleaning.

Dump trucks were following their usual routes.

Sometimes, barely audible alarm signals reached her when sellers opened the doors of their shops.

Super Queen-Mother looked at the far corner of the bay.

A train was noiselessly emerging from the tunnel. Braking on at the station, it whistled, warning absent-minded, sleepy passengers about the approaching danger.

Super Queen-Mother looked over the bay again. She liked what she saw.

“Let it always be so”, she thought and went down to the living room.

She invited the security officer in and commanded him to gather all the specialists of her team intended for support of her activity as the Mistress of Earth. She appointed a meeting with them for the next day, at ten sharp.

In the meantime, Super Queen-Mother decided to fly to the Moon. Nobody knew about this – people thought she stayed alone to have a rest before the hard work.

So as not to attract the attention of her guard to her private trip to the Moon she decided not to use the starship, allocated to her by the Galaxy, and waiting for her in the ravine, behind the “dog ground”.

Super Queen-Mother went to the terrace, pressed her arms to her body and zoomed up. The roof of the house and the town remained miles behind. She thought that at such speed it was unlikely that anybody saw even her shadow.

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