Children of the gods

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Автор книги - . Произведение относится к жанрам современные детективы, современная русская литература. Год его публикации неизвестен. Международный стандартный книжный номер: 9785447437275.


In one of September days the head of 5 “B” class receives a call from an overwhelmed mom of schoolgirl Nadia Timofeeva: Nadia has not return from school. The whole city is searching the girl. Volunteers even come from neighboring towns. The case is controlled by Moscow. Investigators are considering all versions, even the most fantastic. But in the city people suspect Nadia’s family. Investigators get a video, which will help to reveal that high-profile and mysterious crime…

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© Irina Ritter, 2015

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Chapter 1

September 16 was a normal working day for a teacher of English Elena Dmitrievna. The time on the mobile phone showed 14:45. Just finished the first lesson of the second shift. The class stood in a wild roar.

– Guys, let’s keep it down! – tried to shout down the class of Elena Dmitrievna.

Realizing that it’s useless, Yelena, took the wallet and mobile phone and went to high school cafeteria. She walked down a school hallway, when suddenly I got a call from her cell phone:

Yeah, I’m listening!

The connection came an excited female voice:

– Elena Dmitrievna, Hello! This mom Nadya Timofeeva. Tell me, is long over, the lessons from the first shift? Nadia is still not home and her phone is not responding!

– The first shift I was released two hours ago, maybe Nadia with her friend? Seems she’s friends with Diana Zelenina. I now find her phone and call you back.

E Lena D. was the class teacher 5"B”, in which he studied Nadia Timofeeva. With 5"B” she knew for only two weeks, as after the fourth grade of elementary school ends, and all the disciples to distribute it on new classes -starts secondary school. At school Elena Dmitrievna worked for over 30 years. She was a typical Russian teacher working in a typical high school of a small provincial town like any other in the territory of our country: of medium height, stout, with short hair, wearing glasses. Dressed usually in a simple skirt and blouse, and shoes with low heels.

For two weeks it is impossible to know their students, but Nadia Timofeeva she remembered. First of all she was a good student and was valedictorian, and he often raised his hand in class to answer. She sat at the same Desk with Diana Zelenina – they were friends. Besides, today was a great hour on which the class was shown a documentary film about the war. Nadia burst into tears. Yelena thought that the girl was very sensitive and kind.

Searching and finding the phone Diana Zelenina, Elena Dmitrievna again dialed the number :

– Write down the phone number and address of Diana, if that call me, we will continue to look.

Thank you!

Chapter 2

– Hello!

In the class ran the girl 30 years in sports pants and a pink t-shirt with silver inscription. Bleached hair has been trimmed under Kare. Gray eyes subtly outlined with black pencil, eyebrow tattooing, lips slightly tinted pink gloss. On the right cheek of the girl was the mole.

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